Product description:
coral is linked with ambition, motivation and desire- it has such strength that can infuse enthusiasm and zest for life even in a person who is inactive. While Coral brings about positivity in form of enhanced courage, vitality and determination, it also makes way for financial success. Over time, Coral removes all obstacles that stand in the wearer’s path of success and ensures that he stands victorious in face adversaries. Coral gemstone is said to be possessed with the power to induce leadership qualities in the wearer and steers him ahead towards his destination. Nevertheless, Coral is also associated with prudence and a sound judgment- it makes the wearer patient. As a person adorns Coral it ensures happiness and protection in lives of his younger siblings.
Coral is believed to bring about both matrimonial and financial joy, as the wearer cherishes complete marital bliss and is able to free himself from all debts. For people related with professions of surgery, medicine, computers, electrical and mechanical engineering etc, Coral gemstone is known to be particularly lucrative.
A very unique and characteristic feature that makes Coral distinct from other gemstones is that it is not a mined stone, but has been organically created over thousands of years. It originates from skeletons of coral polyps, which are plant like animals that live in colonies and may form coral reefs. While coral is majorly comprised of calcium carbonate, it gets its red color from natural pigments like carotene which render an unmatchable and distinct charm to this precious gemstone. As soon as a person adorns coral stone, he absorbs strong vibrations into his aura and this protects him from any sort of negativity that may exist in the external environment. Correspondingly, adorning a Coral gemstone ensures peaceful and sound sleep for the wearer.
Coral’s unparallel health benefits on wearers’ health and well being further enhance its significance as a precious gemstone. If a child adorns a Coral, the positivity that this gemstone induces in the environment ensures that he stays free from all ailments. Similarly, adorning a Coral gemstone has extraordinary benefits for health of eyes and cardiovascular health.
A coral should be worn on a Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday